NTA UGC NET JRF Quiz and Mock Test on Reading Comprehension Question

In reading comprehension question type / paragraph questions of Library and Information Science, one or more paragraph are provided to the students to read and comprehend and based on that paragraph a few questions are asked. Paragraph question of LIS is entirely multiple choices, with each comprehension question having four possible answers with only one being the correct one. Paragraph questions are also known as Reading Comprehension Tests Paragraph / comprehend test. Types of questions in the Paragraph Comprehension test include: deductive questions, aim of the paragraph and vocabulary questions.
The paragraph questions are asked to measure your ability to understand what you read. The questions test your understanding of the whole passage rather the individual parts. Specific detail questions are based on the supports presented in the reading. Inference questions ask you to draw a logical conclusion from what you read in the passage. The answers to these types of questions are not explicitly stated. Vocabulary questions ask you the meaning of a word or phrase within the context of the passage. Questions about the organization of the passage, the author's point of view, analogy are also asked.

Now that you know about the paragraph questions of Library and Information Science, try the following quizes / mock tests. These questions are similar to the ones that were on the  NTA UGC NET / SET / JRF, KVS, NVS and other competitive examination.

NTA UGC NET JRF Quiz and Mock Test on Multiple Choice Question Question

A multiple choice question is one in which a student chooses one answer from a number of choices supplied. Multiple choice questions ask a student to recognize a correct answer among a set of options that include 3 wrong answers (called distracters), rather than asking the student to produce a correct answer entirely from his/her own mind.
Multiple choice question are asked in the NTA UGC NET / SET / JRF, KVS, NVS and other competitive examination to test the objective knowledge of the student.

Now that you know about the multiple choice questions (MCQs) try the following Library and Information Science related quiz and mock test for multiple choice questions. These questions are similar to the ones that were on the UGC NET Examination test.

NTA UGC NET JRF Quiz and Mock Test on Matching Question

A matching type of question is two lists of related words, phrases, pictures, or symbols. Each item in one list need to be paired with one item in the other list. Matching question may be considered to be a variant of multiple-choice in which more than one choice is correct.
The Matching questions are particularly good at assessing a student's understanding of relationships or used for recognition of relationships and making associations. They can test recall by requiring a student to match the elements.

Library and Information Science related quiz and mock test for matching questions for NTA UGC NET / SET / JRF, KVS, NVS and other competitive examination are given below.

Kindly used your knowledge to solve the following matching questions in the form of quiz or mock test. These questions are similar to the ones that were on the UGC NET Examination test.

NTA UGC NET JRF Quiz and Mock Test on Checkbox Question

Checkbox questions of Library and Information Science are a variation of multiple choice question in which the student is allowed to choose more than one choice or answer from a given choices. Checkbox questions are also known as multiple true / false questions (MTF or MTFQ) or multiple selection questions or multiple response questions (MRQ) or multiple choice-multiple answer questions.
The checkbox questions of NTA NET Examination test factual recall rather than application of knowledge. However, checkbox questions can be designed to test higher levels of understanding and application of knowledge. This type of question has the advantage over MCQ in that the student must evaluate each possible answer, rather than selecting one correct answer. Unlike MCQs, there is little cuing of the student in checkbox questions, since all possible answers must be evaluated. Multiple response questions are normally more difficult to answer compared to multiple choice questions because the participant needs to simultaneously consider more information.

Now that you know about checkbox questions, try the following Library and Information Science related quiz and mock test for checkbox questions / multiple true false (MTF) / multiple selection / multiple response (MRQ) for NTA UGC NET / SET / JRF, KVS, NVS and other competitive examination.

NTA UGC NET JRF Quiz and Mock Test on Assertion-Reason Question Question

In the Assertion-Reason Type of question of the Library and Information Science, two statements referred to as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are provided. Four alternatives on these are given and the correct one is to be chosen. The assertion means the “statement of fact” and a reason means “explanation for why that assertion is true”. A standard assertion and reason question looks somewhat like the following:

Assertion (A): Statement 1
Reason (R): Statement 2
(A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation for A
(B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation for A
(C) A is true, But R is false
(D) A is false, but R is true
(E) Both A and R are false
The Assertion-Reason type of question is meant to judge the candidate's knowledge and with it, his/her ability to reason out correctly. Assertion-reason tests used to explore cause and effect relationships as well as the candidates ability to identify those relationships. It also tests concept clarity as the Assertion-Reason type of question requires high level of learning. To solve such type of question the students should have the clear concept of the terminologies used in the question and a proper understandings of the meaning of the sentence.

Now that you know about the assertion-reason type of questions, try the following quiz or mock test  in Library and Information Science related for assertion / reason questions for NTA UGC NET / SET / JRF, KVS, NVS and other competitive examination. These questions are compiled from the UGC NET / NTA NET previous years question papers.

NTA UGC NET JRF Quiz and Mock Test on Ascending-Descending Question

In the Ascending-Descending type of questions in the UGC NET / NTA NET Examination, some clues are given regarding the order of occurrence of certain events. The candidate is required to analyse the given information, frame the right sequence and then answer the questions accordingly. In the ascending-descending questions the students require to use skill of sequencing (increasing or decreasing) in order to form an answer. These types of questions are also known as sequencing question or chronological question. Ascending means smallest number (first) to the largest number (last) or from earlier year or date to the recent year or date and descending means larger number (first) to smaller (last) or from recent years or date to earlier years or date. Again, when information is organized by the time in which each event occurred, it is called as chronological.

The ascending-descending questions are asked to test whether the students know the growth and development (history) of a concept or not. It tests the student’s ability to organize or link the concept, knowledge of sequences, order of events, level of gradation, etc.

Now that you know about the ascending-descending type of questions try the following mock test  or quiz for ascending-descending / sequencing (increasing / decreasing) / chronological questions for NTA UGC NET / SET / JRF, KVS, NVS and other competitive examination . These questions are derived from the UGC NET / CBSE NET Previous Years Question Papers of Library and Information Science.

Updated UGC NET Syllabus

University Grants Commission (UGC) NET Syllabus-wise write-up (encyclopaedic article) for the subject Library and Information Science (Code No. : 59)
Unit – I
1. Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom.
2. Information Life Cycle - Generation, Collection, Storage and Dissemination.
3. Role of Information in Planning, Management, Socio-economic, Cultural, Educational and Technological Development.
4. Information Science - Relationship with other subjects, Information Society and Knowledge Society.
5. Communication – Concept, Types, Theories, Models, Channels and Barriers; Trends in Scholarly Communication.
6. Information Industry - Generators, Providers and Intermediaries.
7. IPR and Legal Issues - Categories, Conventions, Treaties, Laws.
8. Plagiarism: Concept and Types.
9. Right to Information Act (RTI); Information Technology Act.
10. National Knowledge Commission; National Mission on Libraries.

Unit – II
1. Historical Development of Libraries in India; Committees and Commissions on Libraries in India.
2. Types of Libraries – Academic, Public, Special and National.
3. Library Legislation and Library Acts in Indian States; The Press and Registration of Books Act; The Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act.
4. Laws of Library Science.
5. Library and Information Science Profession - Librarianship as a Profession, Professional Skills and Competences; Professional Ethics.
6. Professional Associations - National – ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS; International – IFLA, ALA, CILIP, ASLIB, SLA; Role of UGC, RRRLF and UNESCO in Promotion and Development of Libraries.
7. Library and Information Science Education in India.
8. Library Public Relations and Extension Activities.
9. Type of Users - User Studies, User Education.
10. Information Literacy - Areas, Standards, Types and Models; Trends in Information Literacy.

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